Design 4M DESIGN #1010 LG Twintel 2, 508, Samseong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea E-Mail ┃jason.seo@4mdesign.co.krWeb ┃www.4mdesign.co.krDesigner | Ji Ye Shin Exhibition WORLD SMART CITY WEEK 2019 Location┃KINTEXPeriod ┃2019. 9. 4 ~ 9. 6 Exhibitor Daegu Metropolitan City Web ┃www.daegu.go.kr   Booth Plan Concept┃HubSize┃135 m² Hub 대구광역시는 스마트시티 혁신 성장동력 프로젝트를 통해 도시의 다양한 데이터…

UNIMOTTO - Rising up: Finding the Path of the Century

UNIMOTTO – Rising up: Finding the Path of the Century

Design UNIMOTTO 1F Rio B/D, 170, Yeoksam-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea E-Mail ┃unimotto@unimotto.co.krWeb ┃www.unimotto.co.krDesigner ┃ Song A Park Exhibition International Road & Traffic Expo 2019 Location┃KINTEXPeriod ┃2019. 9. 25 ~ 9. 27 Exhibitor Korea Expressway Corporation Web ┃www.ex.co.kr   Booth Plan Concept┃Rising up: Finding the Path of the CenturySize┃180 m² Rising up: Finding the…

PICO NORTHASIA - Network Space

PICO NORTHASIA – Network Space

Design PICO NORTHASIA 4F Jinsung B/D, 38, Yeongdong-daero 85-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea E-Mail ┃nicole.son@kr.pico.comWeb ┃www.pico.comDesigner | Woody Cho Exhibition Seoul ADEX 2019 Location┃SEOUL AIRPORTPeriod ┃2019. 10. 15 ~ 10. 20 Exhibitor Huneed Technologies Web ┃www.huneed.com   Booth Plan Concept┃Network SpaceSize┃320 m² Network Space 주변 구조물과 참가업체인 휴니드사와의 네트워킹을 형상화한 디자인이다. 부스를 방문하는 모든…