13, Nonhyeon-ro 68-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
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Designer | Ji Ho Kim
Cafe Show 2018
Period ┃2018. 11. 8 ~ 11. 11
Booth Plan
Concept┃Eco-friendly with Nature
Size┃108 m²
Eco-friendly with Nature
‘레트로’ 제품을 만드는 회사로 널리 알려진 참가업체는 최근 ‘친환경’적인 요소를 제품에 반영하는 정책을 내세우고 있다. 이러한 점에 착안하여 부스 곳곳에 친환경적인 장치를 설치하여 제품과 자연스럽게 어울리는 전시공간을 구성했다. 부스는 크게 안내 및 상담공간, 제품 진열공간, 체험공간으로 나눠진다. 특히 창업을 희망하는 참관객이 많이 방문하는 만큼, 진열공간에서 제품을 보고, 바로 옆으로 이동해 직접 제품을 체험해 볼 수 있도록 동선을 설계했고, 체험공간은 실제 주방과 같이 제작했다.
Well-known for its “retro” design products, the participating company recently made it a policy to reflect “eco-friendly” factors in its products. Accordingly, the booth was installed with eco-friendly devices that naturally matched the products. The booth was largely divided into consultations, product display, and experience spaces. Since many booth visitors were also aspiring entrepreneurs, the paths of visitors were designed to move from the display space to the adjacent experience space so that visitors could look at products before experiencing them. The experience space was designed to look like a real kitchen.