E&W DESIGN - 160 Years of History

E&W DESIGN – 160 Years of History

Design E&W DESIGN 3F, 904, Gwonyul-daero, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea E-Mail ┃enwdesign@enwdesign.co.krWeb ┃www.enwdesign.co.kr Exhibition POP-UP STORE 2018 Location┃the Galleria SeoulPeriod ┃2018. 5. 15 ~ 5. 22 Exhibitor BOUCHERON Web ┃kr.boucheron.com   Booth Plan Concept┃160 Years of HistorySize┃66 m² 160 Years of History 이번 행사는 단순히 과거의 한 장면을 보여주는 것이 아니라 160년의 역사와…

EASY TECH INTERNATIONAL - The Only- white among Colors

EASY TECH INTERNATIONAL – The Only- white among Colors

Design EASY TECH INTERNATIONAL 31,Jeajeagi-ro 190beon-gil, Hwado-eup, Namyangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea E-Mail ┃izt_kyg@iztec.co.krWeb ┃www.iztec.co.krDesigner | Joon Han Oh Exhibition interCHARM KOREA 2018 Location┃COEXPeriod ┃2018. 10. 4 ~ 10. 6 Exhibitor DERMAFIRM Web ┃dermafirm.com   Booth Plan Concept┃The Only- white among ColorsSize┃54 m² The Only- white among Colors 참가업체는 화장품 제조 및 유통업체이면서 동시에 병원…

DESIGN Eldora - Design with a Photo and Experience zone

DESIGN Eldora – Design with a Photo and Experience zone

Design DESIGN Eldora 4F, SK V1 center, 11, Dangsan-ro 41-gil, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea E-Mail ┃0112249305@nate.comWeb ┃www.eldora.co.kr Exhibition interCHARM KOREA 2018 Location┃COEXPeriod ┃2018. 10. 4 ~ 10. 6 Exhibitor VODANA Web ┃www.voshop.co.kr   Booth Plan Concept┃Design with a Photo and Experience zoneSize┃36 m² Design with a Photo and Experience zone 해당 전시회는 화장품, 용기,…

DESIGN Seed - Young and Trendy Design

DESIGN Seed – Young and Trendy Design

Design DESIGN Seed 13, Nonhyeon-ro 68-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea E-Mail ┃seednd@naver.comWeb ┃seedi.co.krDesigner | Ji Ho Kim Exhibition China Beauty Expo 2018 Location┃Shanghai, ChinaPeriod ┃2018. 5. 22 ~ 5. 24 Exhibitor AMI COSMETIC Web ┃www.skinami.co.kr   Booth Plan Concept┃Young and Trendy DesignSize┃108 m² Young and Trendy Design 피부과에서 사용하는 의료용 화장품을 제조하는 참가업체 특성에…

MIRIM E&F - Fresh and Modern

MIRIM E&F – Fresh and Modern

Design MIRIM E&F 14F Youngchang-BLDG,561,Cheonhodae-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea E-Mail ┃space-art@mirimenf.comWeb ┃www.mirimenf.comDesigner | Chace Yoo Exhibition K-BEAUTY EXPO KOREA 2018 Location┃KINTEXPeriod ┃2018. 10. 10 ~ 10. 13 Exhibitor TS Trillion Web ┃www.talmo.com   Booth Plan Concept┃Fresh and ModernSize┃54 m² Fresh and Modern 참가업체의 상징인 ‘초록(Green)’의 싱그러운 이미지가 밝고 자연스럽게 전달되도록 디자인했다. 참가업체의 다양한 정보와…

EASY TECH INTERNATIONAL - Harmony of Elegant Curves

EASY TECH INTERNATIONAL – Harmony of Elegant Curves

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Design EASY TECH INTERNATIONAL 32, Jaejaegi-ro 190beon-gil, Hwado-eup, Namyangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea E-Mail ┃julieso72@iztec.co.krWeb ┃www.iztec.co.krDesigner | Jun Han Oh Exhibition interCHARM KOREA 2019 Location┃CoexPeriod ┃2019. 9. 18 ~ 9. 20 Exhibitor Dermafirm Web ┃www.dermafirm.com   Booth Plan Concept┃The Simple LuxurySize┃54 m² The Simple Luxury 더마펌은 화장품 제조 및 유통업체이면서 동시에 병원 전용 화장품, 병원용…

DESIGNOB – Inner Design

Design DESIGNOB 279, Garak-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea E-Mail ┃designob@designob.co.krWeb ┃www.designob.co.krDesigner | Jung Sun Kim Exhibition interCHARM KOREA 2019 Location┃CoexPeriod ┃2019. 9. 18 ~ 9. 20 Exhibitor wettrust Web ┃www.wettrust.co.kr   Booth Plan Concept┃Inner DesignSize┃54 m² Inner Design “내면으로부터 건강하고 아릅답게”가 기업브랜드 컵셉이다. 전시회 관람객들의 시인성 및 주 동선을 최대한 고려해 심플하고 깔끔하게 구조물을…

AND & - Creation of New Value

AND & – Creation of New Value

Design AND & #602, 43, Gangnam-daero 79-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea E-Mail ┃hong.sm@hanmail.netWeb ┃and-n.co.krDesigner | Sung Mun Hong, Hyuk No Lee Exhibition Dubai Derma 2018 Location┃Dubai, UAEPeriod ┃2018. 3. 19 ~ 3. 21 Exhibitor Medytox Web ┃www.medytox.com   Booth Plan Concept┃Creation of New ValueSize┃108 m² Creation of New Value 메디톡스의 비전인 혁신적인 바이오 제약기업을…


Design EASY TECH INTERNATIONAL 32, Jaejaegi-ro 190beon-gil, Hwado-eup, Namyangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea E-Mail ┃julieso72@iztec.co.krWeb ┃www.iztec.co.krDesigner┃Seung Jun Lee Exhibition interCHARM KOREA 2019 Location┃COEXPeriod ┃2019. 9. 18 ~ 9. 20 Exhibitor JION MEDITECH Web ┃www.jionmeditech.com Booth Plan Concept┃Best LuxurySize┃54 m2 Best Luxury 블랙&화이트를 기반으로 메탈골드 필름으로 포인트를 주었다. 헤더 삼면에 제품명 및 로고, 슬로건을 음각 라이팅으로 돋보이게 했고,…